Discursive strategy meaning

Discursive strategy meaning

Posted: Replicator Date of post: 30.05.2017

Discourse from Latin discursus"running to and from" denotes written and spoken communications:.

As discourse, an enouncement statement is not a unit of semiotic signs, but an abstract construct that allows the semiotic signs to assign meaning, and so communicate specific, repeatable communications to, between, and among objects, subjects, and statements.

The term " discursive formation " French: As a philosopher, Michel Foucault applied the discursive formation in the analyses of large bodies of knowledge, such as political economy and natural history.

In the first sense-usage semantics and discourse analysisthe term discourse is studied in corpus linguisticsthe study of language expressed in corpora samples of "real world" text. Moreover, because a discourse is a body of text meant to communicate specific data, information, and knowledge, there exist internal relations in the content of a given discourse; likewise, there exist external relations among discourses.

Aristotle: Logic | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

As such, a discourse does not exist per se in itselfbut is related to other discourses, by way of inter-discursivity; therefore, in the course of intellectual enquirythe discourse among researchers features the questions and answers of What is? In the humanities and in the social sciencesthe term discourse describes a formal way of thinking that can be expressed through language; the discourse is a social boundary that defines what statements can be said about a topic.

Discourse affects the person's perspective; it is impossible to avoid discourse.

Postmodernism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

For example, two notably distinct discourses can be used about various guerrilla movements describing them either as " freedom fighters " or " terrorists ". In other words, the chosen discourse provides the vocabulary, expressions and perhaps also the style needed to communicate. Discourses are embedded in different rhetorical genres and metagenres that constrain and enable them. That is language talking about language, for instance the American Psychiatric Association 's DSMIV manual tells which terms have to be used in talking about mental health, thereby mediating meanings and dictating practices of the professionals of psychology and psychiatry.

Discourse is discursive strategy meaning linked to different theories of power and stateat least as long as defining discourses is seen to mean defining reality itself. This conception of discourse is largely derived from the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault. Modern theorists were focused on achieving progress and believed in the existence of natural and social laws which could be used universally to develop knowledge and thus a better understanding of society.

Structuralist theorists, such as Forex trading spanish de Saussure and Jacques Lacanargue that all human actions and social formations are related to language and can be understood as systems of related elements.

Philosophical Dictionary: Vagueness-Verstehen

Structuralism has made an important contribution to our understanding of language and social systems. Following the perceived limitations of the modern era, emerged postmodern theory.

discursive strategy meaning

In contrast to modern theory, postmodern theory is more fluid and allows for individual differences as it rejected the notion of social laws. Postmodern theorists shifted away from truth seeking and instead sought answers for how truths are produced and sustained.

Postmodernists contended that truth and knowledge is plural, contextual, and historically produced through discourses. Postmodern researchers therefore embarked on analyzing discourses such as texts, language, policies and practices. French social theorist Michel Foucault developed a notion of discourse in his early work, especially watergardens easter trading hours Archaeology of knowledge In Discursive Struggles Within Social Welfare: Restaging Teen Motherhood[13] Iara Lessa summarizes Foucault's definition of discourse as "systems of thoughts composed of ideas, attitudes, courses of action, beliefs and practices that systematically construct the subjects and the worlds of which they speak.

Discourse therefore is controlled by objects, what can be spoken of; ritual, where and how one may speak; and the privileged, who may speak.

An object becomes a "node within a network. A book is not made up of individual words on a page, each of which has meaning, but rather "is caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences.

One of the key discourses that Foucault identified as part of his critique of power-knowledge was that of neoliberalismwhich he related very closely to his conceptualization of governmentality in his lectures on biopolitics.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Discourse disambiguation. Retrieved 25 May The Order of Things.

discursive strategy meaning

Oxford University Press, New York. Schryer and Philippa Spoel. Genre Theory, Health-Care Discourse, and Professional Identity Formation. Journal of Business and Technical Communication ; 19; http: Modernity and the third world presence". British Journal of Social Work. Selected Interviews and Other Writings, Retrieved from " https: Discourse analysis Semantics Sociolinguistics Anthropology Concepts in social philosophy Debating.

Articles containing French-language text.

Social media, reputation risk and ambient publicity management: Strategy & Leadership: Vol 38, No 6

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discursive strategy meaning

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