Causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh

Causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh

Posted: Faber Date of post: 27.05.2017

We have never had a year start the way that has started. Canadian stocks are now down 21 percent since September, and it has been an absolute bloodbath in Europe over the past four days. Of course the primary catalyst for all of this is what has been going on in China. There has been an emergency suspension of trading in China two times within the past four daysand nobody is quite certain what is going to happen next. In fact, what is coming is going to be much worse than what we have already seen.

On Thursday I was doing a show with some friends, and we were amazed that stocks just seemed to keep falling and falling and falling. The Dow closed down points, and the NASDAQ got absolutely slammed. But what everyone can agree on is that we have never seen a start to a year like this one.

The following comes from CNN …. When CNN starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blogyou know that things are really bad. I might have to borrow that one. Even some of the biggest and most trusted stocks are plummeting.

It is now down a total of 28 percent since hitting a record high of more than dollars a share back in April. So that means that if someone put all of their retirement money into Apple stock last April which may have seemed like a really good idea at that timeby now more than one-fourth of that money is gone. For months, I have been warning that the exact same patterns that we witnessed just prior to the great stock market crash of were happening again.

And now other very prominent names are making similar comparisons. My point is that we are starting to hear a lot of really ominous talk from a lot of different directions. All over the world, people are starting to understand that the next great financial crisis is already here. As I write this tonight, I just feel quite a bit of sadness. A lot of hard working people are going to lose a lot of money this year, and that includes people that I know personally.

I wish that my voice had been clearer and louder. I wish that I could have done more to get people to understand what was coming. I wish that my warnings could have made more of a difference.

I just think about how I would feel if everything that I had worked for all my life was suddenly wiped out. And that is what is going to end up happening to some of these people. When you lose everything, it can be absolutely debilitating. You only make money in the markets if you get out in time. There will be up days for the markets in our near future.

It is important to remember that some of the greatest up days in U. The financial crisis that began in the second half of is now accelerating, and everything that we have witnessed over the past few days is just a natural extension of what has already been happening.

Personally, I am just really looking forward to this weekend when I will hopefully get caught up on some rest. Plus, my Washington Redskins will be hosting a playoff game on Sunday, and if they find a way to win that game that will put me in a particularly positive mood. It is good to enjoy these simple pleasures while we still can. Unprecedented chaos is coming this year, and we are all going to need strength and courage for what is ahead.

All I know is that the same spot on guys that were warning in have been warning for most of You, on the other hand…. We are getting some great deals. Buy low sell high. You are misleading people……. When the system unravels it will be banking holiday with no recovery — it is print all out manipulation and go for broke. The TP roll is finished we have reached the end.

Says the troll who said DJIA to 20K. You think anybody takes you seriously? Your just a dunce cap troll. That is the problem. When you have people in the market, who have no idea how it works. Sadly many of these same people are mislead, quite on purpose by others.

Critical thinking, seems to be beyond the reach of many. Where else are folks supposed to put their money? The financialization of the American economy has forced grandma and grandpa to put their life savings into the Big Ponzi scheme called Wall street, which is fueled by cheap money and bloated assets.

Gold, Silver, Guns, Ammo, Food, Preps, Seeds, Livestock, Farmland. Not necessarily in that order. Is it possible that the real creators and backers of Bitcoin is actually the FED? We all know that the Federal Reserve has wanted to replace Federal Reserve Notes with a digital crypto currency. Perhaps it is a test pilot program for them to work out the the nuances of such a system on a small scale.

Critical thinking is essential but is no good at this time without hourly monitoring and updating ones direction. That level of monitoring, is quite impossible, for a busy working person. No, the critical thinking I speak of. Is to realize, the game is rigged. That a few players in the game, have far more information, than the rest.

Thus, if a person can not do, as you suggest. It is time, to get out of the game. Most investors go on the premise that the large market players will play be the rules embodied in law. But they the large speculators brazenly break the law and the Government just looks the other way. With this situation, no small- time player has a chance to make the right moves however knowledgable he may be on market technicalities. Fund managers have tremendous clout in the market vs the little guy. Most of these people are victims of the Public School Education system where they are taught what to believe instead of how to think!

causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh

So you have nothing to support your claim. Not much more you could do really. The timing on this remains impossible to specify with certainty. All I know for sure is that cash remains the place to be. Almost bought a ton of Conoco today, since I do believe oil is oversold. But thing is, the overall market has a long, long, way down. A lot of money can be had, but patience, patience, patience, patience.

Wait until it is down there at 11, 12, Trump is giving them an earful. Watch for a bump up tomorrow the plunge protection team trying to make it look less bad lol but I believe that the people are getting it. They got their helmets on and layin low. Bill, when seeing a certain responder to you and the accompanying photo I am reminded of the man with the unclean spirit in Mark chapter 5.

So there is hope. And wants all to be with HIM, we must pray for ALL to come to HIS son Yeshua. There is ZERO contemporaneous evidence of any person of that name. The first records are 2 generations after he supposedly died and any Roman records look very like they were fabricated by the christian church in the later centuries! It the intelligent and human thing to do.

The Jewish leaders at the time of Yeshua were afraid that HE was going to displace them. They saw the large crowds that followed HIM and heard of HIS great words.

Had the Rabbis been studying the Tanakh or what we call The Old Testament THEY would have recognized Yeshua as the Messiah. Prophecy in regards to HIM is throughout The Old Testament over and over…. But the Jewish rejection of their Messiah and His death by crucifixion was all by the design of Yahwah God this was to be the Salvation of Man by the Blood of Yeshua.

My friend you give every evidence of a man that IF told that there was a huge gold cache in a certain place YOU rather than investigate to either DISPROVE or verify would insist to ALL that there is NO GOLD there. And its probably not real gold anyway. John the joke is on you……. There have been many forensic book researchers study the Bible and they always come back saying the same statement. The early Christians willingly walked into the Coliseum filled with hungry lions decade after decade rather than deny Yeshua.

The apostles of Yeshua all died horrible deaths rather than deny Yeshua. The Christians in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Africa etc TODAY are dying by the thousands rather than deny Yeshua. You are living in a country that only made it this far years by the grace of Yeshua and HIS hands of protection.

Those hands of protection are coming off this once great country The USA. We have taken God out of everything the schools, the culture, etc and now God will soon take HIS Holy Spirit off the face of this fallen earth. And we will be as the days of NOAH. Not a very funny joke, is it? The same old BS, the bible is true because the bible says so.

How can you NOT see it? The largest growing faction in the US by far! The New Testament was written in Greek as that was the language of the time of Yeshua Jesus The ORIGINAL is still in Greece and verifies the millions and millions and millions of Bibles in circulation as unchanged copy.

causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh

But you would not know that as you are like one of those little fake dogs that people used to put in their cars back window as the car moves the head just keeps nodding up and down…. Where do you live in the soon to be MUSLIM Europe. Good luck you get what you wanted. Haha maybe you are a Muslim. That would be hebrew or aramaic. My point is none of them were written until AT LEAST 30 years after he reputedly was killed!

The first one ever written in the very hand of the man who wrote it? Not a very convincing document to say the very least! Why would anybody consider your uneducated opinion to be worth the effort of even considering? You would actually know this if you had made any effort to research unbiased evidence! I have 2 science degrees and have studied it, in detail.

The New Testament original was written in Greek and the original is in Greece. There was a space of time after the death of Jesus to the first books of The New Testament being written.

Books were rare in those days and most people could never afford a book let alone read one. Verbal transmission was also typical till the words would be written down. Paul the apostle is believed to have written most of the books of The New Testament. Yeshua changed Paul in a heartbeat and he went from persecuting stoning ouch the early followers of Yeshua to Preaching and authoring the words of God to all. He also died for his faith in YESHUA! You make an assumption that because there was no stenographer following Jesus around….

The first apostles all died for their faith in Yeshua JesusPeople do not offer their lives up for nothing. I have not seen nor read of any Atheists dying for their faith. Evolution and Creation are theories and BOTH should be taught to the young in school. The young should be taught HOW to think not WHAT to think……then THEY make their own decisions. There are many many many biologists that do not believe in your absolute truth BS. Ha ha sounds like you are toeing the line.

Those PHD s that you so eloquently speak of are the same ones that have gone from Global Cooling ICE AGE lol to Global Warming and now to CLIMATE CHANGE. Now they are garbage injectors filling young peoples head full of garbage. Ben Bernanke is a perfect example he came from Princeton to the Federal Reserve ha ha what a F ing joke with all his study of the boooks haha 6 months before 08 FINANCIAL COLLAPSE he stated on TV that the real estate market was solid haha how can that be he has even a doctorate degree and NOW he is back where he beiongs as a teacher and probably teaching the same bs as you…….

So you mentioned that you have 2 degrees but with that you have no common sense nor brains, you are where you belong……. He wrote the Pauline Letters or at least some of them, the exact number is disputedand he was not AN APOSTLE!

He never met Yeshua! The only evidence that we have is his word that he had his conversion on the road to Damascus. That does not make for good evidence, anywhere or at any time. As to the rest of what he supposedly said, so what? We only have his word for it maybe…. There is no creed or belief or faith or bible.

And before you start, atheism IS NOT A RELIGION. If it is then not collecting stamp is a hobby. Think about it if you are able…. Evolution is a scientific theory a theory is not a conjecture or a vague guess. Separation of church and state makes this a matter of law. This is a very common misconception which is pushed hard by the AGW deniers. It has a grain of truth in it, but not much more than that!

I know that this slightly more nuanced and scientific treatment of the matter may be anathema to you, but trust me, that is the way it was and is! Obvious to the not hard-of-thinking! Not bible colleges, but places to study theology and the classics. But so f——g what? Markets run on confidence, as do currencies. Not all academics are correct, whatever made you think that they were supposed to be? FACTS are not important just THOUGHTS. So Bernanke thought to talk the market up and you tout that as allowable.

How about the people who UNLIKE ME actually believed in your ilks BS and bought a house under the assumption that this K house will be worth a million dollars soon. And all the EXPERTS say HOUSES NEVER GO DOWN. Bottom of missive about the BIBLE colleges……. The THEOLOGY was CHRISTIAN at all these colleges and they WERE BIBLE colleges……you and your ilk have a problem with the TRUTH and FACTS. Maybe he could have a THOUGHT that these colleges were started for students of the opera.

I did not say that they should have stayed that way…. I tend to think of them as christian madrassas and indoctrination mills. The great universities of the world did not start out that way! Yes, the theology was christian, did you see me disagree with that? I will happily admit it if proven wrong, in absolute diametric opposite position to ANY religious person! They also taught classics as well Latin and greek and roman and greek culture and literature. These were probably the only 2 subjects taught.

Why do you say I have problems with facts? These BIBLE colleges were preparing missionaries to go out and spread the Gospel to the world. Ah, yes, the old testament! Where do you get these erroneous ideas? Is it just outright wishful thinking or more ignorance?

In the 70 s Global Cooling was on the cover of Time magazine, I saw this cover and read the numerous articles.

The Truth is there was a CONSENSUS of scientists that Global Cooling was in affect. So if we say climate change we can never be wrong and then we can be the smart scientists that are degrees warrant. What a pile of BS. You just keep toeing the line maybe you will make Vice Principle. It was exactly as I said, there was no consensus.

It made for brilliant and scary headlines and tv programmes, but it was never a widely held view that we were entering an ice-age at that time!

BUT the consensus was and is that we are in an interglacial period and the ice WILL be returning at some point in the nextyears. I will not argue with you about the carbon credits and them being a vehicle for banks and rich people to make money out of everybody else, I think the same way myself and am actually an agnostic about AGW until shown irrefutably that it will be catastrophic.

BUT I trust the climate scientists a lot more than YOU! I just not convinced it will be as bad as advertised!

Where will you go when proven wrong? Or will you remain in denial as the seawater laps at your ankles? The Global Warming was bs now you see that……. Climate Change now they cannot be wrong……gee its warming up boy are we smart…. You formulate a hypothesis and test it. If it stands up to the tests it becomes a theory. If more information comes along that contradicts the theory, it changes, or is nullified.

And so science advances……unlike religion which is utterly static and inflexible and remains wrong forever! Your post seems to be saying that to change your mind when you are shown to be wrong is a weakness!

How idiotic is that!? That is why we have had centuries of progress and technological advancement, because people were willing to change their minds! Science works that way! Have a little humility like your prophet and you may be salvageable as a reasonable human being………. But then had to make another change and this NEW climate position makes the climate scientists always correct CLIMATE CHANGE. How about saying the TRUTH that the climate may always FLUX and by DESIGN balance itself.

A DESIGN that THEY the scientists cannot comprehend! Global Warning, Global Cooling, Climate Change, Evolution, Intelligent Design Creation are all scientific THEORIES. And as Theories should ALL be taught and explained in School as Theories. Then the students would make their own choice of belief and during their school years would have many great learning debates with teachers and fellow students.

AGAIN, you are misunderstanding the word THEORY. In common language, when spoken by the average halfwit, the word theory does not mean the same as it does when it is used by the scientific community! A vague guess or conjecture, an extrapolation or prognostication.

This is not the same thing as a scientific theory. Not even close, not in the same ballpark! You need to get this into your concrete cranium. Is that clear enough? Intelligent design is NOT a scientific theory.

It is a fairy tale, just like the original creation story as expostulated in the bible. It has a patina of cargo cult scientific respectability, but fails at every hurdle.

That argument is over, it was had in court and I. Time to causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh a new way to horn religious BS into the classroom!

I love the States separation of church and state! One of the best laws EVER enacted! Having said that on the balance of probabilities I think that using the atmosphere as an aerial sewer is a bad idea and is bound to have deleterious consequences in the long term. The Tyndall Effect illustrates this to a degree of certainty that is not yet apparent CO2 leads to more energy being trapped in the system and will cause problems of one sort or another.

The argument is finished. Your side lost over years ago. Out, out, brief candle! It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

Dont bet your bollocks as you only got one……and Shakespeare is not in the Bible. And I am English on mother side. I am not a repub or dem as both groups are just two wings of the same BIRD not bat lol both called flying creatures in the Bible And this bird is flying into a wall at mph and by DESIGN. All the trade agreements NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, etc have buried this once great nation.

And now TPP a page secretive trade agreement is being pushed through of which the least is about trade. I have said this already but I will repeat Climate Change is about CONTROL but not control of air quality but control of people and countries.

The carbon tax would crush countries thats control but the wealthy crony countries will be able to purchase carbon credits. I have seen your attitude before…… you have education and intelligence but not WISDOM. If you do not have God Yahwah in your life you are like a compass with no needle. Yup you are moving along fx option strategies butterfly you do not have a true North reading.

I do believe that Climate Change dhaka stock exchange index chart valid but is controlled by the hand of GOD, were getting cooler oops were getting warmer oops were getting cooler again The system is too big and too complex with so many unknown factors from solar to volcanoes etc etc etc etc etc etc.

EVOLUTION vs CREATION I study both sides evolution vs creation and contrary to you have studied both for years as I am a Biblical researcher on a quest for the TRUTH. Evolution is the moshi monsters money maker mac of biology thus biology is in the position of being a science founded upon a unproven THEORY….

Also the belief in the THEORY of Evolution is exactly parallel to the belief in the THEORY of a unique Creation. Both are concepts that their believers know to be true but neither can prove. A Scientific THEORY is a well substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and CONFIRMED through observation and experimentation.

Maybe Ben Bernanke has been talking it up…. You got the right definition from wikipedia, and that is exactly what evolution has been, causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh by ALL the observations ever observed!

Nothing has ever proved to be against it, whether you like it or not! Hoist by your own petard! Evolution HAS BEEN CONFIRMED by ALL the lines of evidence, anatomical, genetic, fossil etc, etc, etc.

I know this offends you and you live in an evolution denier echo chamber where everyone thinks the same way,with the same biases and only reads texts which act to confirm your erroneous premises confirmation bias. The FACT remain that you are just wrong, demonstrably and in fact. It has no evidence except for the bible! It cannot be a theory! Evolution is proven everyday, by new evidence. And the paucity of your arguments and the irrationality of your mind! I simply cannot think of a derogation strong enough to express my contempt for your delusions!

You are by far the worst of all the deluded christians that I have ever argued with. The others at least make an attempt to engage with the issues and no-one has ever made an attempt to claim theoryhood for blatant BS! I seems the Plunge Protection Team may be losing control of the situation. Watching each play maybe iI am over guessing? What do you folks think? The market does seem like a ship kept barely afloat but is now taking on water so fast it must go down, no mater how much the bailing effort tries to keep it above water.

I have to wonder though, when exactly was it that you trusted a politician? Eventually the hole becomes big enough that no amount of pumps or repairs will be able to prevent the ship from sinking. You can think of each financial crisis wave as being a hole that they keep trying to put a band-aid over.

It may work temporarily but the water eventually returns. Again, I feel like you feel. One thing for sure, the numbers at 4am eastern tiime Fri Jan es forex un buen negocio tell me the manipulators have been very busy overnite.

Best post you had, it is sad to watch it all unfold, knowing that it will suck. I too failed to warn people, because j was afraid they were going to how much money does nba rookies make i was crazy or a downer, but the truthm is that they would not accept the reality even if i did share with them or try to explainto them, they would rather not want to believe.

I have sold all of my investment shortly after October and have invested in real estate and OIL, wish i had more to buy oil now both a long term play, but plays that will come out on top of everything after the crash is over. I feel what you feel. But, remember, land or real estate has different angles to play. Most importantly real estate is like gold, it is physical unlike paper that can go away in a puff of smoke. Tuff times cause people to invest physically.

Whether it turns out to be right——only time has the answer. Real Estate does have a tangible worth, but like other assets, it can depreciate. Also, if times are turbulent, urban property, which usually has higher value, can be deemed risky and lose value. In fact, it may be more the opposite. Farmer Snotress I will never be. When China hurts, it works harder and sells more. It really becomes a matter of our government regulations and incentives.

Take a lesson from history. The banksters and politicians always take you to war when all else fails. The lesson from history as well teaches that rising powers and declining powers come into conflict and that economics and geopolitics often goes hand in hand. In the short term anything is possible however rent prices did go up during till counting money worksheets 2nd grade printable I have two 2 rental houses right now.

For anyone thinking about investing in rental property and for what it is worth, I have the following advice: Location affiliated with good schools is extremely important. Always conduct a thorough background check on prospective renters. If you want to make money, do not hire a management company and be handy enough with tools to do most of your own repairs.

Never represent yourself as the owner; always be an employee, that way you get to remain a nice guy. Vegetable gardens, livestock grazing.

Red China can print there way out and then the communist version of CNBC will lie to cover the rest. The markets will rebound in a month. The problem I see is Saudi Arabia going belly up in their Arab Spring. Yemeni fighters are walking right into Saudi Arabia.

When they engage their troops they run away. No wonder Saudi Arabia is calling for an Arab coalition to fight ISIS oh and Yemen. For the last 30 days it has been almost flat while being at historic karvy stock broking coimbatore contact number. It hit yesterday.

The lowest it has ever been. It needs to be at for the container ships to break even. Just for comparison in it was up to It scares me, too. That, combined with the declining money velocity… they tell the real story of the domestic and global economy.

The media wants you to believe people are in a shopping and buying frenzy. The BDI tells a much different story.

Most people who read this site knows that this economy is just fantasy, its not real. There has not been any recovery, just money printing.

It has to go down! There is no way around. And the longer it takes the worse it gets. Think of DOW 15K as just a starting point. By every historical metric, stawks are way over valued. Based upon a slowing global economy and lower demand, a fair trading range for the DOW is between and Gold Star………but scary thought of the ramifications. Climate change previous comment is delayed until sheeple realize is small potatoes compared to the million not working.

Look everyone the stock market is roaring back today. It got knocked down but it gets up again. Put on your rally caps and let the good times roll! The beginning of the year does make a nice time to put out bargains for the tax-year minded. I expect to be similar to Lots of up and downs great for traders and a continued flight to quality great royal bank of scotland investment bonds stock pickers.

Better make sure your dunce cap is still on your head. What kind of ridiculous prediction will you make for this year DJIA 30K? You really are a dunce cap troll. Nobody will feel any sympathy or pity for you when you lose everything. Maybe then you will wake up and smell the coffee when the world comes crashing down on you.

Michael; PLEASE do something about Rorschach taking all these discussion sections hostage. Please block Rorschach so the rest of us who care about the topics posted here can continue the discussion without constantly getting insulted. Thanks for your consideration on this. Sunny I think Fox News is better suited for somebody of your IQ and intellect. You would fit right in there.

Considering how you add nothing to this discussion it is you who should be banned and blocked. Oh and nice copy and paste from another posters comments about how you should be blocked.

Michael; PLEASE do something about Snotress taking all these discussion sections hostage. Please block Snotress so make money take money remix rest of us who care about the topics posted here can continue the discussion without constantly getting insulted.

Precisely what it is. Perhaps his metric for success is that he can argue that he losing money at a slower rate than he was before. Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad has constantly said that the k is one of the biggest ripoffs of all time. People only know how to make money in a bullish market. I was educated in options trading and know how to make money in a bearish market. I feel sorry for everyone who bought into the k concept and turned their money to wall street for their retirement needs.

Even Robert Kiyosaki is selling options. He says he got out of the stock market in May. How much did wentworth miller make per episode on prison break may be one. But truly intelligent life forms know they are only temporary and come back stronger than ever. Which is why I have taken advantage of moving some cash into the stock market.

Although it is impossible to time the market unless you are a member of the inside track club, I would suggest that you allow sufficient time for air to be released from this balloon before you jump back into stawks. I expected you to call out the Federal Reserve for pricking advantages of different investment options in india ppt biggest financial bubble in history.

Sure, it begins in China, but China only begun because the Fed raised rates. Manipulation and failed policy are nothing new to them. You have 60 second binary options indicators trading in kenya look at the good news once in a while!

Look to U-Tube Hillary Clinton, Ben gazzi attack hearing on CNN. She started coffing, for two minutes, trying to drink water. She looked all doped up to handle pain?

She is thought to have gotten it while visiting Fucashima. Also flying through the radiation that is in the jet stream. Bad part, her running mate might have to be president. Our Central Bank is called The Federal Reserve but it is not really Federal but made to look like it is and is not a reserve ha ha no more federal than federal express lol. Its monetary decisions do not have to be APPROVED by CONGRESS that speaks volumes. I saw the data today… and I must say I am very annoyed by the oil price.

It is falling further than expected. Which could push the other commodities down again, which in turn could force a new interest hike. Because, the pressure to do so is there.

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But we reached the bullcrap levels, so it might be temporary. My guess… it would have to do with the service economy crunch. There is no risk of the FED raising interest rates for several reasons.

Global demand for consumption is down and will remain down for many years to come 2. The sheeple have no money to buy anything even if they wanted to. Their credit is maxed out and nominal wages are way down. The FED has painted themselves into a corner and are now caught in a liquidity trap.

Yellen will have no choice but to usher in negative rates. With QE going on as long as it did, price discovery is dead. Who knows what the price should be for anything, absent manipulations?

SunnyFlaSnotress posts on every one of your blogs, Micheal. I guarantee that if he was banned from posting here, no one would shed a tear. Except his mommy who is upstairs cooking his spaghetti with Jimmy Dean sausage and pouring his chocolate milk. I went to the stores on black friday to watch, it was dead. Our economy is dead. We are tired of the BS and running out of time.

It creates the opportunity to engage in substantive debate and exchange of ideas. It is the moral responsibility of all intellectually honest people to ferret out the liars and expose them for who they are. This is achieved by challenging them with facts and logic. This blog is always excellent to read but the comments section is beyond ridiculous. It needs an overhaul. Good policy and thanks for the kind words. There are a couple really nasty people on this blog. But I think too let them talk.

They reveal much about their character. They are just lonely people and thru this venue have a way to anonymously talk……. But there are many smart and informed people on this blog and Michael is tremendous. We are really Blessed with him.

I met him with his family in a tiny sandwich shop in NC. I was talking with the owner at a table and Michael overheard the conversation and walked over ha ha I thought that he was a liberal coming over to blast me as I was going over the Fed Reserve.

Do you have anything to contribute this time Christine Woo. You are just trolling again. You cannot lose money on silver. Silver is money which you can exchange for varying amounts of FIAT currency. All Fiat currencies in history have failed. Not at all troll.

While you may be using your dollar and fiat currency as toilet paper I will enjoy knowing that precious metals can tender offer buy back shares exchanged for forex day trading currency exchange rate open currency and value.

Seems like you are working over-time troll considering you cannot even spell properly. Now go back to your factory you are late for your third shift.

The Chinese government has stepped in and is now buying stock to prop up the markets. There is no other plausible answer to why all the calm today. The first week of is not necessarily a precursor to how the next 51 weeks will go. But then again… everything is just about in place for The Worst Collapse Ever. I get the feeling this will not be a happy new year for a great many people.

causes stock market crash 2016 in bangladesh

Or a happy mid-year, or entire year in general. The dominoes are in place. Debt crisis, derivatives crisis, stock market collapse…Which one falls first, I do not know.

Once one domino falls, the rest will follow. With a capital T, and that rhymes with D, and that stands for Disaster. While other people walk around with a sand bucket and their head stuck in it. The flight to quality into treasuries continued the flight to safety into precious metals abated. Obviously expect elevated volatility for a moment with the frb policy change and global C. I would expect weakness through Feb and rally into end of March q1 window dressing.

Central banks still appear to be ahead of the curve…still. THEY have an agenda and you are not included………. As per the predictions of the author of the blog which repeats over and over and over and over……. Love this buy on the dips. Bull market is alive and well. Anyone stupid enough to read your past comments clearly sees how clueless you are.

I was wrong about that. But I am by no means clueless. No need to trade insults. U can disagree without name calling right? Maybe you should switch from JAZZ to DRUM ROLL as you and those who unfortunately will listen to you are marching OFF THE CLIFF left rite left rite left rite whoosh……. I was just thinking about AAPL. Is all they have to sustain their stock is iPhone sales? So the fact that AAPL again violated I would expect it to consolidate and rebase in the 80s for seven weeks and then attempt to work higher.

10 Causes why you losing money in stock market Bangladesh.

What if the forecast is revised? IMHO for growth companies that seems to be the best or most prudent guidelines. If the forecast is revised then just recalculate using the fresh data.

I heard a bit of a report on MSNBC Thursday. They were saying that things were looking rough for the stock market. For MSNBC to say that things are not rosy in the market means that things really are getting bad. Title waves tend to star from a sudden cataclysmic events like an earthquake. By no means is the result of one a small ripple to start. Yes, Tidal waves are started from cataclysmic seismic activity deep under the ocean.

However, if you think about throwing a rock in water, a ripple is formed. It is the same principle involving an earthquake, except they form bigger ripples.

If you think about that ripple, it seems to disappear over time, but in actuality it is building power and momentum. I believe that this is an apt comparison to our corrupt stawk market. Anyway, I say potato, you say potata, either way we both seem to agree on the stawk market. The market has closed for the week. I was watching in real time today. The market is going down? The abject demise of the financial system could be shored up by the opening of the Asian Infrastructure Investment bank next week.

I urge all investors to have faith with the Fed and US govt. The biggest mistakes will be liquidating your investment and K now. I bet the FED and Obama administration will never do nothing on crisis that affect everyone finance. We are almost 20 trillion in DEBT an unpayable amount……………. In my view I owe these criminals nothing and nothing is what they will get from me.

I liquidated all my shares beginning in January of and am in the process of closing all Bank accounts and completely withdrawing from the Ponzi Banking system and I urge every American who visits these blogs to spread the word and do the same.

Time is short and this is one catastrophe the Federal Reserve has no remedy for. Life runs fairly smooth once that part gets figured out. Not only should you be renouncing him, you should be understanding him see Job Bring this to your readers, I dare you! Watching the markets unravel is totally surreal, based on the post of the last six months via Michael. Causing rates to move up dramatically, this will cause a cascade in the T-bill market and future auctions. The unwinding of the market will result in point market drops in the next days.

While the jobs market addedon Friday, you only have to look back at when Job losses in some months were, Michigan lost 1, jobs in a three year period. I remember driving downtown to Detroit on I from Troy at 7: I believe the speed on the unravel will stun the talking heads on CNBC. God is not evil. Everything will be fine. We just have to have faith in our all-power, all-loving, all-merciful God to continue to provide us blessings and happiness.

Our country was under God ……. We NOW have a culture of same sex marriage, abortion, glorified homosexuality, drugs, adultery, lesbianism, pormography, and now have some schools with bathrooms and athletic showers for boys and girls together, no prayer in schools, transgender rights in schools ha ha are you a boy or are you a girl you look like a boy but act like a girl.

This is no joke time just read in your Bible……. God is not to be trifled at nor HIS laws disrespected.

Our Pres shakes his fist at God, when same sex marriage was passed Obama lit up the whitehouse in the pastel colors of GAYNESS. Are you kidding me OUR country will be judged! Sodom and Gommorah was not Gods version of URBAN RENEWAL the cities and the people were JUDGED. I have a friend that was there to visit. Not much to see, just some vague shape of a few what looked like roof lines. But he picked up a piece of residue and brought it back to NYC. He was showing this piece of residue to his associates when someone said lets see if it will burn WELL it lit alright but the smoke that came out of this little piece size of a golf ball wiped out the office.

God in HIS mercy did not burn up the people but it appears that the people were asphyxiated. We cannot expect God to bless America when we have turned our backs on Him. This blog site attracts many off the wall comments and makes for great comedy; yours by far seem to be some of the most demented and deranged. Get yourself right with God…Time Is Short. What is demented and deranged is the NEW USA CULTURE which supports gay marriage, abortion, and all manner of perversions.

What is OFF the wall for YOU?

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If not two men getting married or the killing of babies JUST WHAT IS? Always good comedy watch the low info mutants cling together for support but in this case the subject matter and your interpretations are too sick.

How did you find this blog were you looking for instructions on how to roll a joint and hit here by accident. I wonder if one could be a fly on the wall in your bedroom, what kind of things we would see and how many would judge you for what you do in your own house. They must be straw buyers for the US. Detroit Michigan 40 years ago was still a manufacturing capital of the world.

Your description of present day I 75 at 7: We the people of the USA allowed these traitorous leaders Dem and Repub the same to dismantle and destroy the greatest manufacturing and production machine the world has ever seen. Nafta, Gatt, Cafta all free trade and passed in the last 20 years. Find me anyone who is aware that this is happening all people think about is the ball games, iphones, etc as our leaders traitors move silently forward with NWO. Yes the speed of the unravel will be swift and the pumpkin heads on CNBC will have their candles snuffed.

China is reported to have three trillion in cash reserves, but it appears this is a false number as these funds have already been committed to for real-estate loans, loans to Chinese companies.

If that is true the China central bank has zero point zero dry powder. This alone could take down the Chinese currency in massive devaluation. Which in turn would cause a credit freeze with global proportions. China gained over one quadrillion from the 08 derivatives calamity. At this point between the overhanging debt plus debt service expenses for all intents and purposes USA owes China infinity and exists for the benefit of China. There was no Chinese brilliance but four decades of U.

Dem and Repub two wings of the same bird which is flying by DESIGN at breakneck speed into a brick wall. Quadrillion is one thousand billion or one million millions if that makes it easier for you to comprehend — and of course it is not impossible. The rest of your notions are equally as comical.

Perhaps some research into Shanghai Cooperation Organization might help as well. Either that or wait another decade or so maybe mainstream media will educate you. Go back to your JOINT what did you do smoke up the SPORT PAGES before you wrote this comical post. What the heck are you smoking? Stick with comments regarding highway traffic in your local area. Your knowledge and comprehension of data beyond that is lacking to say the least.

You can google mine and see my background and capabilities. Good to see the markets finally coming back to reality! It was ridiculous that many of the high fliers like Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc were masking the damage done below the surface last year.

Now they are falling too. Every time the markets have fallen over the past several years, there was another around of stimulus. Next week will be interesting to see if some of the key technical levels hold…. On a side note, just saw The Big Short. We have another big crisis on our hands in except on a much larger scale than the last. Now we have student loans, sovereign debts, consumer debts, corporate debts, sub-prime auto loans, fracking loans, you name it.

All about to blow up at the same time. You really must be a fool to believe that homeowners and mortgages were significant causes for the 08 calamity. Mainstream media has easily duped you again. Do those fools really believe the replies to their deranged comments are directed to them and not to the worldwide views so all can laugh at their idiotic content rather than vomit from some of their racial and gender oriented hateful comments?

After losing billions in them he ought to; think the counterparty to his losses would agree ROFL. Derivatives may be new and scary word for many others know they include everything from options, warrants, leaps, etc. Leverage can cut both ways. Hope you folks remembered to buy the dips! Oh when the Bulls come marching in! I told you guys!!! Put on your rally caps!! Every time the market has a correction the bears predict it is the end of humanity.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. But if I were going to bet I would bet on people will continue to watch football, eat, drink soda and beer, use toilet paper, copulate, and make babies. I knew a prepper back in the early 90s. I ask him what was the shelf life. He said 10 years. I guess he either threw it out or ate it all. That was back in the 90s! Sort of like all those dummies that purchase auto insurance or health insurance and never experience an accident- what dummies they must be!!!

Good luck to all. Remember that free fall with no one bothering to stop anything then. Many mutual funds bottomed out at zero as I remember. Question for those who read this blog: QE the new media word for frb open market ops has existed since frb inception. SPROFL a few seconds ago Let those NASDAQ futures turn positive and show some leadership markets could easily get temporary amnesia as if last week never happened…for a hot minute. Good chance for anxious longs to exit or shorts to initiate fresh positions but at this point here the short side seems crowded IMHO.

Again its all about …. Either the market is overbought or its oversold. There is no middle ground for alarmists. Just like the price of gas — it indicates a collapse EITHER WAY IT GOES. And, the ones that are are worthless-They are Americans. Sometimes The Dragon Wins. Maybe another generation will see the similaries. Is that the only job you can find or are you such a failure that you can only troll?

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This is what happens when you have a vast majority of citizens that have no worth or value and love to be oppressed, impoverished, and murdered. Just thought I would mention this as the article portrays a different scenario than what actually occurred.

Has anyone ever wondered how to fill out forms online? I have, and found a simple service. BTW, there is an online service through which you can fill out a AF IMTthe fillable blank is here http: Keep pounding the doom and gloom though.

Broken clocks and all that…. The Economic Collapse Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression? Comments By Email Posts. Commentary Unemployment Banksters Economic Despair Federal Reserve Trade Government Debt Financial Markets The Economy. Home Gold Coins Silver Coins Emergency Food Contact Military Surplus Preppers The Most Important Thing Did You Know?

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World's Greatest Geologist Is On The Verge Of His Next Billion Dollar Discovery. The Death Of The Family. Enter your email to subscribe to The Economic Collapse Blog: Stock Market Crash This Is The Worst Start To A Year For Stocks Ever.

By Michael Snyder, on January 7th, January 7th, Tags: Stock Is Already Down More Than 20 Percent. Same old stuff, yawn. Bill G Wilminton NC. SunnyFlaSnortress, I would like to hear your opinion. Offshore Swiss bank account…? I tend to agree with this view. Sex, money, and power make the world go round, and round, and round. Michael good guy you are. I have zero faith anything major will occur this year…. Based off what exactly?

What do you have to support that ridiculous claim. They delayed the whole shemitah thing. They know the international financial system will not survive in its current form. Ha Ha Ha nobody will be selling books about the Shemitah now will they!

Better pray to Obongo you stupid leftists. You can talk till you are blue in the face the sheeple only hear what they want to hear! Brother I thank you for your post. Pill is ready for another round. And all the EXPERTS say HOUSES NEVER GO DOWN, Not all academics are correct…. That is an astonishing intelligent riposte and means absolutely nothing! Students should be taught HOW to think not WHAT to think on these THEORIES.

Still, very, very interesting ,is it not? WIKIPEDIA Evolution nor Creation has been CONFIRMED but evolution is taught in our schools as CONFIRMED. Broken clocks are right twice a day.

Unless it is a military clock. You have to be able to market what you grow. No such word or even slang. You might want to go back to school again.

Missiles trump money printing. The BDI scares the hell out of me!!! It ends today at !!! You shall know them by their lies. The only question is when?! But for those who play their cards right I think would be a good year.

Lmao Dow is off to the races today. Better get ready to put your dunce cap on Jazz. If u say so. It is right now. Seems to be off to the dead cat bounces. The fundamentals are completely out of sync with reality. Now you know where the paper went that was on that roll!!!

Sunny, if you are looking for bullying sensorship go to PMSNBC or HufPo. By the way check my comments above. Sunny took another posters comment and plagiarized it. Here is the original post by another commentator: I saw that too….

You should put on your dunce cap as that seems suited better for you. Haha— or maybe he is making a case for it roaring back from ? Without QE this market can only go down as QE pumped it up!

Looks like you spoke too soon…. WRONG…… should get cream pie in face! Put on tin foil hats folks! The same applies to the USSA and the Federal Reserve. YUP just as bad and maybe worse with our derivative DEATH STAR. Negative rates on money in a savings account haha we pay THEM to hold our few pennies.

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